Gardening tips for September


  • Remove dead plants.
  • Continue weeding regularly, weeds still spread seeds in September.
  • Clean any birds nest.
  • Perennial plants can be planted as the soil is still warm enough. The plant will soon shoot out new roots and is strong enough to live through the winter. Make sure to water well before and after planting.
  • Strong winter annuals can be planted in September, such as cornflowers, marigolds, poppies, and chrysanthemums.
  • Plant bulbs anytime between mid September and mid December. The sooner they are planted, the sooner they will come up in Spring. Do not plant bulbs in too wet or frozen soil, or they will immediately rot or freeze.
  • Coniferous shrubs can be transplanted in September. Try to save as many roots as possible.
  • This is the perfect time to harvest seeds to sow for next year. Dry them and keep them in a dark and dry place until Spring.


  • Prune trees and shrubs for the last time. Prune the hedges at the top so the lower branches also get sunlight.
  • After your last harvest of raspberries, the worn branches can be pruned to the ground. Keep about twelve young shoots per meter. In Spring, remove the worst four. New branches can be tied together for more support.


  • The grass will not grow as fast as in the past few months. Take a break and mow the lawn less often, about once a week.
  • Add extra fertilizer to any brown spots in your lawn to ensure all over green next Spring.
  • You can also add some grass seed to any bald spots in your lawn.
  • If necessary, a light scarifying can be used to equalize the lawn and remove thatch and moss. Do this in September so the lawn has time to recover.

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